Sunday, August 8, 2010
Does anyone know what Pwnd means? i've seen it on several sites, blogs, video fail blog sites. when i read Pwnd, it makes me think of Pawned, which well means you take something to a pawn shop in exchange for money. so when there is a photo of a guy falling off a skate board and the caption reads "guy gets Pwnd by a skateboard..." does that mean that the skateboard took him to a pawn shop in exchange for new tires, cash, board? what does that word mean? if it means owned, then how did the "p" make its way in there. and is it a silent "p"? or a is it pronounced "p-w-a-n-u-d"?
What I did this weekend...
So my lovely gf is out and away in denver enjoying her time with her family and the very thin air of mile high denver. while i admit, denver is a beautiful place, there's two things i will say denver will never have - 1) the grittiness and variety of the upper east side or the poshness and cool lounges of the west side and 2) NORMAL ALTITUDE BREATHING AIR! ok i said it. phew. give me nyc any day of the week. so friday started off with drinks and food with some of my gf's close friends who are also my friends as well. its so great to have females as friends because they can give you insight, that as a normal male in his (shhhh late 30s) i could never have. and vice versa, i believe i offered some cool (or i would like to think cool) male point of view that can lend a window into the way men think and why we think what we think when we yeah? so had a few too many drinks, and funny none of them knew i was past bezunkeness (not drunk yet pretty friggin buzzed) i walked slowly home and i don't remember falling day, i got a treat: i got to hang with a cool doggy...Holly..I'm sure some of you (the very few 2 or 3 who read my little bloggy) know...the coolest dog ever. yes i realize i used the word cool about 4 times here so far, but don't own a thesaurus.
So hanging with the hollister was uber awesome....took her to a park. got some pretty nice attention fromfemales people (this is always a fun plus to my ego - wink!). jk. she (Holly the dog) played and well made sort of nice with a dog. ok this is how it went. holly went up to a small sized dog, sniffed. the dog had a chew toy. holly went to smell it, the dog picked it up and ran off with it. later, the dog came back with the chew toy, dropped it near holly. holly in a whatevs kind of motion half sniffed it. and the dog picked it up and ran off with it again. this went on about 3 more times until the dog had to leave (aka, the dogs owner wanted a smoke so she took her little 3 lbs kibbles and bits with her). so there you go, holly made a half attempt to win the battle of superiority and then just didn't give a monkey's (doggy's) crap who really won.
other than that, bought some new song books at my favorite music instrument shop where i swear everyone knows me. i'm like norm from cheers there. except they don't yell "norm!" they just sort of look and smile or nod. ok...nod...i'm hitting a new wave of rock songs on the guitar lately and plus i added a new guitar to my collection. wooo to the hoo hoo..
well hope all of you did something fun and got to be out and about in this lovely city of new york. trust me, if you ever have to say "ugh there's nothing to do" on a weekend, then you are obviously not a real new yorker.
tip of the day: great german restaurant in forest hills called Oktoberfest. from what i read, they have amazing large sized beers there and the food is to die for.
below r some of my attempts at taking pictures while using my new iphone 4.
Here's me trying to take a picture of my friends...while failing to realize the iphone 4 has a camera on both sides of the phone:

so third time is the charm, but at least i know i will never leave my day job to be a photographer and the mocajete guacamole is slamming at Cilantros:
My new guitar addition (i love black and johnny cash had the best black guitar ever!)
and finally, the star of the weekend: Holly Holls!
So hanging with the hollister was uber awesome....took her to a park. got some pretty nice attention from
other than that, bought some new song books at my favorite music instrument shop where i swear everyone knows me. i'm like norm from cheers there. except they don't yell "norm!" they just sort of look and smile or nod. ok...nod...i'm hitting a new wave of rock songs on the guitar lately and plus i added a new guitar to my collection. wooo to the hoo hoo..
well hope all of you did something fun and got to be out and about in this lovely city of new york. trust me, if you ever have to say "ugh there's nothing to do" on a weekend, then you are obviously not a real new yorker.
tip of the day: great german restaurant in forest hills called Oktoberfest. from what i read, they have amazing large sized beers there and the food is to die for.
below r some of my attempts at taking pictures while using my new iphone 4.
Here's me trying to take a picture of my friends...while failing to realize the iphone 4 has a camera on both sides of the phone:

okay here is attempt 2 (i pressed the click button a bit too quick: - i had only had 1 margharita at this point. ja ja i wasn't sure if my friend was winking for the camera or that i had flash on wayyy too bright):
so third time is the charm, but at least i know i will never leave my day job to be a photographer and the mocajete guacamole is slamming at Cilantros:
My new guitar addition (i love black and johnny cash had the best black guitar ever!)
and finally, the star of the weekend: Holly Holls!
ues friends,
weekends in nyc
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