Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Long Weekend

So, my fellow bloggers and blogettes - so this has been a long but restful weekend..a few notes: Friday I finalllly got surgery on my left eye - (I will fill you in on the deets of my eye, but long story shorter - I had a detached retina - yes they can become detached - ehh who knew!).  So surgery was a success...a success! I say...sooo now i'll finally be able to get behind a wheel again, ride a bike, a scooter, roller blades...yes i am going to venture into the world of "wheeled travelocity".  okay its not a word, but an expression i just created.  sooo...other than that, had the GF come over and i have to publically apologize to driving her possibly crazy as um, i was a bit of a 2 year old/infantile in my post-optedness.  hee hee...also, i am dog-watching the world's greatest dog, Holly:


All in all, she is such a treat to watch.  first of all: She can sit, roll-over, give you the paw andddddd even stand up with you on her hind legs!! I KNOWW!!  how cool is that.  a dog that knows commands..if i can only teach her to make me some breakfast and bring me a soda or bottle of water..i guess i should probably buy water for her to be able to do so...or heck, give her my wallet and she can go purchase some from the obvi very confused and shocked korean corner store owner across the street..NO i'm not generalizing here...he really is Korean.  I speak to him on a daily basis...we argue about his prices on cereal..and milk..to high in my book..anyhow...he once mentioned to me his family is from korea.  we don't ALWAYS argue..just when i do get the urge to buy milk and cereal.

So...having holly the dog is really a great treat for me.  she brings out a side in me i never really knew i had.  and aside from the fact that i like doing good things for no other reason than just being nice to my friends..i enjoy having the doggy around.  there is something therapeutic about just a pet who loves you unconditionally.   they ask for nothing more then to just be loved and cared for and the occassional scratch on the belly.  so i'm on my search to find a dog.  so far, i have narrowed it down to a portuguese water dog.  

this post actually makes me think how lucky i am.  i know i'm about to get all misty here..okay not misty but fuzzy.  but when i met me gf, i didn't just meet her great family and friends in denver.  whom i say are just the greatest bunch of peeps i ever met.  but also, her great, terrific, super amazing friends in UES NY.  whom through time have become close to me as siblings, cousins, okay siblings...they really are a bunch of great people and well opened my eyes to new insights, philosophies, and made me look at myself in ways that helped me grow as a person.  so this post is dedicated to my UES Besties.  Thank you for existing in my GF's life...and thank you for allowing me into yours.

Note: on my next post, I am starting a new section: "Where is Mike Woods?"  If anyone bumps into Fox 5 Weather Guy Mike Woods (you get 5 stars for a mike woods pic) or any other celebrities, and takes a picture, You will have the honor of having your pic posted up for the month as Celebrity City Blogger of the Month...so if you have any interesting celebrity pics (um G rated please...) or stories..send them in...

ok. buenas noches.  and YESSS The JETS BEAT San Diego!!!!! City John Needs His Sleep.


  1. that dog looks super adorable... and your GF and her friends sound A-MAZING. Yowza yowze!

  2. yes you are right uptown girl, the doggy is all tops and aces with me, just add a little febreeze and she is good to go...and well, have to admit, i do have an awesome gf...side note, mr. asus is currently in the ICU and stable...prognosis looks positive...and guess what, as my first ever follower to post a comment, you officially hold the position of first commenter/follower ever...that's being named like employee of the month

  3. post comment..i'm trying to get my GF, oops, my awesome, witty GF to comment on any of my posts....heck, even become a public follower...so i'm going to boycott myself until she does...
