Monday, April 19, 2010

One door closes...

a few doors have closed on me lately.  some to friendships i hope will re-open again in the future.  but i'll leave that up to God and time and patience and understanding and the hope that closed hearts will allow themselves to open up again.  another to a job i had...but in hindsight, the job ending was a good thing. I'm now getting offers at a much higher pay rate than before.   so when one door closes in life, others always open. everything happens for a reason.  always.  i firmly believe that.  there is a positive to every bad or unwanted situation.  its just a matter of sifting through all of the debris and finding it.  even when things look their bleakest, they are not...i keep hearing this voice always, God wouldn't put me in a situation that He didn't think I could handle and overcome.  I've always heard those words.   and now I know why....

i've had to grow and learn from these doors being closed.   i sometimes am a friend to those in ways i think people would want me to be...and i have come to realize i can overwhelm them at times.  not purposely or maliciously but i'm like a big giant hyper dog, not realizing there are set boundaries one should respect.  my definition of what a friend is and a family is, is different than what someone else's is.   and as much as one would think hey i'm not doing anything malicious, it can come off in an entirely different way then intended, and still cause some hurt.  everyone is different and has their issues, and being a friend means being a friend in  a way the other really needs, and not my the end, it isn't just about caring about your friends, and hanging out, its about respecting their boundaries and feelings and putting them first...

today is all about doors.  there isn't just another opportunity at the other side of it, but something new to learn from...

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