Tuesday, February 9, 2010

breaking odd...news

okay every now and then, some news hits me that just makes me do a double-take..triple even...so now the newest fad to lose weight: Eating Worms To Lose Weight.  I am dumbfounded.  Is this what we have come down to, inserting a parasitic worm into our bodies to make us lose weight.  I mean I am all for weight loss in the spirit of being healthy. but to just be thin...um.  no.  and in my opinion, women are truly beautiful and hot with their natural god-given curvitude.  At least me, i don't like a thin woman, i tend to like the curviness of a woman.  And from my friends to guys i have spoken to about this topic, we also tend to like a curvy and maybe even full-figured woman.  When I see an ad in a magazine of an 80 lb womnan wearing something by some fancy designer, i can't relate to it.  Give me a real woman.  A woman with some meat on her. A woman who isn't afraid to show her curves.  As a man who happens to be thick and i'm tall, although for reasons of better health, i'm sure i could use to drop a few libras, but i know i'll never be skinny.  i'm always going to be 200 lbs and above.  i see this all the time.  I read not so long ago some kid said they thought they were fat!! I mean why are we so obsessed with people being skinny? Meat, eat meat! Potatoes! Stop the madness!! And i really wish all these diets, surgeries, skinny weight loss scams would go away and allow women to be as they are, beautiful and natural in their god given glory - natural, curves and all - amen to that brother!!
 Kate Winslet = natural, and elegance all in one...

City John back to work....

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