There she is with that pretty and oh so sassy smile on her face thinking of the next witty comeback to say (it's safe to say she generally has the last word because I can never think of any wittier comebacks). She is asleep now and as I sit here and type on my new iPhone I am tempted to wake her up to the very sad news that her computer is no more. Dead. A pile of junk.
It went from the blu screen of death to this screen which reads "harddrive corrupt. Displace memory". I know what the word "replace" means but am clueless on displace. Sooo, there u have it. I'll let her sleep but I do feel bad that her pc is officially fried; toast; gone. So rest in peace home slice, pouring u a drink this weekend in ur honor...
Post From My iPhone
ReplyDeleteI thought her computer was practically new? Poor Vic :(
yes sadly it is dead. but we're going to look into returning it. i hope mr asus is doing much better though